X – Kabbalistic Healing

Photography by Michael Temchine

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing (IKH) is a transformative and paradigm-shifting process for both the client and the healer. It is also known as Nondual Healing and is a comprehensive modality which encourages healing of the self, healing others, and healing the world. It can involve hands-on techniques but does not always do so. IKH helps to heal on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels while supporting our journey toward awakening to our true nature. This healing nurtures our relationship to the source of all healing power (God).

IKH was created by modern Kabbalist and American Buddhist teacher Jinen Jason Shulman. He used his insights and wisdom to integrate thirteenth-century Kabbalistic wisdom, quantum physics, twentieth-century psychological insight and teachings of Nonduality into a healing modality (see web site: www.Kabbalah.org). When we share our humanity with others there is a healing at a deep level. When we work on others, we are so interconnected that we heal as well. Finding our true nature is essential for healing. In doing so, we connect with the source that is greater than ourselves and begin to see the Divine everywhere, in everyone’s face.

The Kotzker Rebbe said, “Where is God to be found? In the place where He is given entry.”


Renee’ C. Feller, MS, APRN/PMH, Certified Professional Life Coach
6302-C Falls Road
Baltimore, MD 21209
phone: 410-484-0809
email: Integratedtherapybaltimore@gmail.com
email: Integratedcoachingbaltimore@gmail.com
facebook: Integrated Therapy and Coaching Baltimore

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